Progress to our target:


Target £75,000


Breast Reconstruction Kit

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Admin Manager


To arrange all aspects of the Dr Jackson Cancer Fund including thankyou letters to the donors, create a by monthly Agenda, book all meetings with the Trustees & Kings Croft Hotel.

Invite all Mayors & supporters of the charity to the AGM, collate numbers to see how many meals are required, pass information to the hotel.

Create a raffle for the AGM.

Work withg the hotel to create a menu for the Annual Founders Lunch, invite all Mayors, Supporters + Speaker to this. Send out menu's and reply forms and collate the info.

Control Gas and Electricity readings, send any changes to Samantha Smith.

Keep all of the above on file.

Will be required to work from Hemsworth shop once a week.

Take minutes at the monthly Trustee meetings on the second Tuesday of the month 5:30pm Kings Croft Hotel.